contemporary dance · sound · installation
90 minutes total I 2 performers I rotating cast
20min installation I 10min transition I 60min performance
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"Flesh and sound is a magical, transcendent two-part collaborative performance featuring a merging of choreography, sound and music, in addition to an interactive installation"
-Phillip Szporer for The Dance Current magazine
Flesh & Sound is a gesture of courage, effort and complicity. Stemming from the fundamental question: how do we listen?, this duet showcases a collection of handmade ancestral instruments from Mexico which are digitally amplified by an enveloping sound design and paired with contemporary instruments. Deeply connected, the two performers produce a simultaneous, live musical and choreographic score. Physical and sonic vibrations build a bridge across time, evoking imagery from pre-Hispanic cosmology and awakening an awareness that pulsates in the present moment.
This dance performance/concert hybrid is preceded by an interactive installation that fosters a sense of attentiveness and contemplation in the viewer. Light reflections, textures and sonic landscapes create a calming, yet stimulating space, somewhere between a dark cave and an infinite galaxy.
*It is possible to present the performance with or without the installation. A partial version of the installation is also an option depending on the venue.
TOURING TEAM (6 people total)
- 2 performers
- 1 technical director / LX board operator
- 1 sound board operator
- 1 rehearsal director / tour manager
- 1 installation director
Set up / Montage : pre hang-up + 4 h set up + 3 h cue to cue & dress rehearsal // Strike : 4 h
*It is possible to present the performance with or without the installation. A partial version of the installation is also an option depending on the venue.
Co-creators: Siam Obregón, Bernardo Alvarado Rojas, Paco Ziel.
Performers: Rachelle Bourget, Isabel Cruz , Bernardo Alvarado Rojas, Paco Ziel.
Artistic advisor: Ami Shulman
External eye: Diana León
Visual direction, art installation design and set design: Siam Obregón
Sound Design: Eric Saucke-Lacelle
Technical Director: Benoit Lariviere
Lighting Designer: Benoit Larivière
Costume Design: Camille Thibault-Bédard