on this path, you are sure to get lost
60 minutes I 1 performer
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This solo is a response to a personal urgency of the performer Diana León, who in a process of self discovery, approached the emerging choreographers Paco Ziel, Vera Kvarcakova and Jérémy Galdeano. The individual work with each one of them gave way to three different introspective solos, which were later woven together by the playwright Nicolás Núñez, thus tracing the path of self-knowledge and the necessary work, between social pressures and internal demons, to find one's own voice. Three innovative choreographic styles that complement each other serve as language for the
powerful expression of an act of self-love that breaks with the game of complacency in which we live and which transgresses our integrity as human beings.
Concept and performance: Diana León
Dramaturgy: Nicolás Núñez
Choreography: Paco Ziel, Vera Kvarcakova and Jérémy Galdeano
Music: Tom Jarvis, Diana León and Alejandro Loredo
Text: Diana León and Nicolás Núñez, inspired by Charles Esenstein's Letter to My Younger Self
Lighting design: Adriana Ruiz "Clarisse Monde"
Technical director: Benoit Larivière
Costume design: Diana León
Rehearsal director: Paco Ziel
Mentor: Anne Plamondon